You know, I have been writing for a long time. Telling stories and creating worlds is something I do well. In my hayday, there was no such thing as self-publishing. But now I have written and published so many books I think it’s time I help you know how to do the same thing. Make sure you pick up a copy of my self-publishing guide and don’t hesitate to ask me any questions.
About Blue
I love life. It is the greatest gift we can ever have. In life we get the chance to meet new people and make new friends and business associates; experience new things all while marveling at the beauty the Lord created. Let’s not forget, everyday being the opportunity to see new miracles!
Blue’s Blog
Too many of you are hurting with no way out. If you knew how many times a day I meet people who are lost and not sure how to find the path out. Let’s talk about all the ways to keep encouraging yourself: whether times are good or a little rough you can always learn how to make the sweetest lemonade with the most sour lemons
Hi! I’m Blue Knows!
Step out of your comfort zone and allow Blue to inspire you more. Loneliness is taking our world by storm. Need someone to keep you company? Someone you can live vicariously through? Come hang out with me and my friends so we can help alleviate the pain if only for a moment.
If you are wanting to make real friends you can actually talk to, and cook together and bake together, I want you to join me. I love spending time with you and your family. I may be a little up there in age but I can run circles around even the youngest of them.
The stories can be shared with your family and friends for years to come.
Nice To Meet You!
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